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WMA Investor Questionnaire

How you allocate your money among stocks, bonds, and short-term reserves may be the most important factor in determining the long-term return and volatility of your portfolio.

The WMA Investor Questionnaire makes asset allocation suggestions based on information you enter about your investment objectives and experience, time horizon, risk tolerance, and financial situation. As your financial circumstances or goals change, it is the investor’s responsibility to complete the questionnaire again and request a reallocation the investments in your portfolio.  Note: as part of WMA’s ongoing fiduciary duty to our investors, we will not invest client money in strategies riskier than that of the client’s risk profile.

Please take a few minutes to complete the following questionnaire.

Investor Name:
Investor Email:
Time Horizon (questions 1 to 3)

1.) What is your current age?
2.)  I plan to begin taking money from my investments in . . .
3.)  As I withdraw money from these investments, I plan to spend all the proceeds over . . .
Long-Term Goals & Expectations (questions 4 to 8)

4.) My current and future income sources (for example, salary, Social Security, pension) are:
5.) When it comes to investing in stock or bond funds (or individual stocks or bonds), I would describe myself as . . .
6.) What is your investment goal?
7.) Assuming normal equity market conditions (bull market uptrends followed by bear market downtrends), what do you expect from your investments over time?
8.)  Suppose that the stock market performs usually poorly over the next decade. What would you expect from your investments?
Risk Tolerence (questions 9 to 14)

9.) Which of these statements would best describe your attitude about the next three months’ performance for your investments?
10.)  Imagine that the overall stock market unexpectedly lost 25% of its value over the past year. An individual stock in your portfolio also lost 25% of its value over the same time period. What would you do?
11.) Generally, I prefer investments with little or no fluctuation in value, and I'm willing to accept the lower return associated with these investments.
12.) From September 2008 through November 2008, stocks lost over 31%. If you owned a stock investment that lost about 31% in 3 months, you would: (if you were indeed invested in stocks during this period, select the answer that corresponds to your actual behavior.)
13.) During market declines, I tend to sell portions of my riskier assets and invest the money in safer assets.
14.) The chart below shows the greatest 1-year loss and the highest 1-year gain on 3 different hypothetical investments of $10,000.  Given the potential gain or loss in any 1 year, I would invest my money in:

15.) How long do you believe before you can truly call an investment a “loss of money”?

16.) What would you do if the tables were turned and you were the financial advisor and we were a client claiming to have a "moderate" risk profile, and our portfolio were down -15% or $35,000 in three months?